The Potter Valley Tribe's Eel River - Trout Creek and Alder Creek land is a biologically diverse and culturally significant forest land located along the Eel River in Mendocino County. Trout creek is a class one watercourse with an abundance of high-quality anadromous fish habitat underscored by cascading pools and scattered old growth Douglas-fir trees.
As part of the landowner's goals for fuels reduction and long-term forest health, FRM developed a Forest Management Plan to identify areas of extreme fuel loading, increased ignition sources, and poor forest health. The resulting plan outlined treatment options and priorities along with a sustainable timber harvest schedule to achieve wildfire resilience.
Biochar Production to Increase Forest Fire Resiliency
2021 PVT Biochar Project
An approximately 10-acre demonstration area was treated by hand with the help of the CCC. Small trees between 1-10" DBH were felled and lopped into manageable pieces to be burned in the Kiln for Biochar Production. The resulting material was spread on site to improve soil health and enhance the forest's access to nutrients. The thinned stand is more tolerant of wildfire as the likelihood of a crown fire occurring is reduced.
Image of small Biochar kiln and recently completed forest thinning.
Another view of completed forest thinning. Woody debris and slash is drying prior to being burned in the kiln.
CCC crew members hard at work reducing ladder fuels and improving forest structure