The California Vegetation Treatment Program, was developed to streamline the CEQA review process for fuels reduction projects. These projects focus on modifying fuels within the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), constructing fuel breaks, and restoring historic ecological fire regimes. The following treatments are covered under this project:
Manual treatments (hand thinning)
Mechanical treatments (mastication and heavy equipment utilization)
Prescribed burning (broadcast and pile burns)
Prescribed herbivory (grazing)
FRM is experienced in all aspects of developing and administering CalVTPs, from designing a Wildfire Resilience Plan, implementing Biological and Botanical Surveys, to developing required mitigations. In hiring a forestry consultant, you will ensure compliance with all CEQA laws and forest practice rules throughout the various stages of your project.
To learn more about what's involved in the CalVTP process, visit the Board of Forestry CalVTP homepage.
Frontier Resource Management