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Wildfire Resilience 

As a result of poor land management decisions, fire suppression, and climate change, California's forests are burning with greater intensity than ever before. Our forests have become increasingly overstocked with small diameter trees. These stands are an example of fire resilient forests that have been thinned to reduce ladder fuels. The resulting fire would be a low intensity ground fire, which will kill very few trees and be much easier for fire fighters to control. Our wildfire resilience plans are focused on mimicking natural disturbances to reduce competition among healthy trees. This includes timber harvesting, if applicable.

Oak woodland after management and fir removal

The picture above depicts a post ladder fuel reduction treatment for a wildfire resilience plan in Boonville, CA.

Oak woodland before management

The picture above depicts a post fuels reduction treatment at the Fitch Mountain Open Space Preserve as part of the City of Healdsburg's CalVTP and management plan.

Frontier Resource Management

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